• データ主導の人材開発・組織開発










南雲 道朋

Toward the data-driven HRD(Human Resource Development) and OD(Organization Development)

In over 20 years of engagement in human resource management and organizational consulting, I became convinced that the essence of effective HRD and OD is providing feedback on the “data mirroring the reality” to the members.
Conversation in the face of data can lead to a change in mindset in which people humble themselves, throw away their assumptions and pride, and break the shell of self-consciousness. Without special processes and techniques like “coaching” or “facilitation”, once a “humble before the data” attitude is established, changes in the desired direction naturally occur.
Note that “data mirroring the reality” need not be as elaborate as big data analyzed using sophisticated statistical methods. Summarizing “360-degree evaluation” and/or “Employee awareness survey” is often sufficient.
On the other hand, if the feedback data are “diagnostic results” from black box algorithms (such as AI machine learning algorithms), the recipient’s attitude may become either skeptical of the results or accept conclusions mechanically, hindering a proactive mindset.
To incorporate data-driven HRD and OD into the company’s practices, it is essential to establish a process for data collection, aggregation, and feedback that is best suited to the organization, and to operate it continuously so that the PDCA cycle runs overtime.
In November 2018, I established Hanzomon Office to provide support to operating companies and solution vendors while gathering together knowledge and experiences.

Hanzomon Office CEO
Michitomo Nagumo